2. Change activemq.bat startup script to specify an explicit password files:
set SUNJMX=-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=1098 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=%ACTIVEMQ_BASE%/conf/jmx.password -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.access.file=%ACTIVEMQ_BASE%/conf/jmx.access
when you start ActiveMQ, you will probably get this error now:
> activemq.bat
Error: Password file read access must be restricted: .../conf/jmx.password
ActiveMQ requires the password file to have specific user-only permissions, see here for more information. Unfortunately this link is for Windows XP, so here's what to do on Windows 7
I've actually found two solutions, one graphical, the other one from the command line:
Solution (using Windows Explorer):
1) change the owner to be 'you' (required step!!)
Select jmx.password, Right-Mouse-Cick -> Properties -> Security -> Advanced -> Owner -> Edit
and select the single owner of this to be your username. Note: you need to click OK and exit out of Properties for this to be effective
2) Select jmx.password, Right-Mouse-Cick -> Properties -> Security -> Advanced -> Change Permissions - uncheck "Include inheritable permissions" and click Remove to remove all inherited permissions - then click Add... to add read/write permissions for only your user: Enter your username as object name, and select for example 'Full Control'. Click Ok and exit out of properties.
Solution (using Windows command line):
1) open a windows command prompt in your ActiveMQ 'conf' folder.
2) use icacls (run 'icacls' without options for help) to change the owner to be 'you', in my case:
icacls jmx.password /setowner apodehl
3) remove all inherited permissions:
icacls jmx.password /inheritance:r
4) grant minimal permissions to your user (read/write in this case):
Test the I/O performance by writing several messages to the current directory
The files created are named writetest..dat and should be removed after the test !!
Usage: writetest
Will write buffers of size each and print the rate every msgs.
The test is repeated times and the used time is displayed
Example: writetest async 1000000 100000 100 1
void _testWrite( int cnt, int nummsgs, int printrate, int msgsize )
char filename[30];
int msgCount;
int fd;
sprintf( filename, "writetest.%d.dat", cnt );
int oflags = O_RDWR | O_CREAT;
#ifdef WIN32
int pmode = _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE;
// this flag exists only on Unix
if( isSync==1 ) oflags = oflags | O_SYNC;
mode_t pmode = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR;
fd = open( filename, oflags, pmode );
if( fd==-1 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "writetest: Could not create file %s, maybe you did not remove a former instance ?\n", filename );
#ifdef WIN32
// flush every message if sync writing (Windows NT only)
if( isSync==1 ) _commit(fd);
mt.stop( msgCount );
void usage()
fprintf(stderr,"Test the I/O performance by writing several messages to the current directory\n");
fprintf(stderr,"The files created are named writetest..dat and should be removed after the test !!\n\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: writetest \n");
fprintf(stderr," Will write buffers of size each and print the rate every msgs.\n");
fprintf(stderr," The test is repeated times and the used time is displayed\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Example: writetest async 1000000 100000 100 1\n");
int nummsgs = atoi(argv[2]); // number of messages to write
int printrate = atoi(argv[3]); // number of tests to run
int msgsize = atoi(argv[4]); // length of the message to write in bytes
int numtests = atoi(argv[5]); // number of tests to run
if( msgsize > sizeof(buffer) ) {
fprintf(stderr,"writetest: msgsize can not be bigger than %ld\n", sizeof(buffer) );